Difficulties In Deriving homeless solutions and The Probable Tactics

Timeless Issues
2 min readFeb 8, 2021

Most of you feel sad when you see homeless people around. They don’t have proper clothes, shelter, or food. Every day, you come across various cartoons portraying these people with torn clothes, beards, and empty food bowls. But when you see these people the next time, and you can feel the lump growing inside your throat, take a second look at the poor people. Do all of them deserve your pity? Or is it their decision to be homeless?

Too lazy

Most of the homeless people are usually too lazy to try finding job opportunities. It is definitely true that a person may not find a job even after having a high qualification. But it is also evident that unless the person puts in maximum efforts, it is impossible to find a good job. The lack of interest in work is a chief reason why there is still a section of people without employment and the poor financial condition. If you do some online research, you will realize that people are homeless mostly because they are reluctant to work.

Hear it from the social workers

It is very easy to listen to the news pieces circulating all across social media to make an assumption that the poor people are not having any shelters just because people like you prefer to utilize your privileges to lead a luxurious life. But it is wrong to have such perceptions. You can be the person who is working closely with these people and trying to find homeless solutions. There is a major difference between what people can perceive about the homeless people from a distance and how you work closely with them to perceive their problems.

Help is one-sided

Those who judge the homeless people from a distance will always think that they are n such a condition because none of you extend their helping hand to them. But the truth is a contrast to such misconception. A maximum number of homeless individuals refuse to take any help. These sections of people prefer to lead a life without any shelter and try to benefit from the emotional weakness of affluent people. Various researches show how the assumptions are completely different from what happens in real life.

Convincing the homeless

If you are planning to help these people, you have to begin the task by convincing them first that staying homeless is not something cool. It is possible to lead a better life only if the community is ready to put in their minimum efforts. Despite the poverty, you will be surprised to see how homeless people refuse job offers just because the wage is too low. It is essential to explain to them that a low wage is better than no wage.

Strict handling

Finding homeless solutions is challenging, but possible. You have to be strict in handling them. It is a good idea to encourage investors to invest in private organizations, opening up the vacancy for the homeless. Wages, along with food and lodging, will be too lucrative offer for them to turn down.



Timeless Issues

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