Properly perceiving the two prominent perceptions: Idealism vs Realism

Timeless Issues
2 min readOct 17, 2020

There is no denying that the morals and ethicsthat drive us are the byproducts of our upbringing. The lessons that we were taught, the morals that we were made to learn from our actions, and a variety of other things play a crucial part in dictating our lifestyle. But the one aspect that trumps all the previous mentions, in terms of influencing the curve of our life, has to be our perception of the world. The way we live our life is directly and profoundly related to the way we see the world around us.

For the most part, each individual can be segregated into one of the two main categories; the idealists and the realists. There is no apparent dominance of one of the types over the others, but it would surmise to say that the followers of one of the groups are likely to lead a more content life and get to feel the treasures of fulfillment. All while the members of the other sect get to experience hardships and disappointments on a considerably larger scale. And thus, understanding the various dimensions of idealism vs realism becomes a vital task at hand.

That is precisely what this article would be focusing on. It aims to help you with recognizing the category your traits fall on to and also make any necessary changes if need be.

Let’s begin by defining the characteristics of each group. Firstly, idealists are individuals that believe in the fantasized version oflife. Throughout humanity’s existence, one thing that has been firmly established is that there is not a single entity that is either ‘ideal’ or perfect. Blatantly ignoring this well-established law of nature, an idealist’s nigh-radical thought process is fueled by the superficial expectations set by society.

Coming to the realists, it’s an entirely different story altogether. Even though the inflictions by society are more or less the same, these people end up on the opposite end of the spectrum. These individuals become adept at distinguishing between ‘what should be’ from ‘what can be’. It won’t be an overstatement to claim that this is the kind of critical thinking that is required for surviving the ravages of life.

The greatest pioneers of history believed in the unreal and that is what paved the way to their eventual renown. These people made life easier, more comfortable for the generations that followed. Now, realists also have, time and again, led civilizations to their glory and dominance. It is rather ironic for the idealists to have toiled and suffered their entire lives, only to comfort the future.

Even though the thoughts and the historical figures are noble beyond comprehension, only the exceptional ones get to reach these towering heights of recognition. The other option is to perceive things for how they are and act in a manner that benefits you, as well as your surroundings, the most. With two equally valid choices at one’s disposal, deciding which ideology to adopt and model ourselves accordingly.



Timeless Issues

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